Benefits Street 2

So after all the bad press surrounding Benefits Street Channel 4 actually found another street to appear in the programme Benefits Street 2 this baffles me why would anyone want to appear on a show which clearly doesn’t show you at your best, is this explotating the vulnerable who might not fully understand what there consenting to in the opening episode we see local papers taking pics printing what locals say “these are lies” after stories hit local papers we then see a flood of national papers and freelance journalist showing up and while locals consented to being filmed by ch4 there pictures are being snapped by people who haven’t had consent this for me is wrong and the icing on the cake here is what most of the journalists say to ch4 “excuse me I don’t want my picture taken here don’t film me” and quit rightly one local said “so it’s OK for you to take my picture without my consent” so who is exploiting who?
Local papers well here I think local press have a right to report on local news like this I don’t see a big problem with that but to print and make stuff up is wrong out off order it’s not cricket people.
National press just jump on the band wagon following local stories and it was probably a local journalist which tips them of looking for a break from local news to national that aside to just swarm a street and snap pics which people obviously don’t want taking is wrong this should be against the law, to be honest if a load of hacks were in my street snap happy taking pics of everyone and everything that moves I’d be one unhappy bunny and I’d demand my picture was removed, to harass people on there door step for a picture or a few comments is outrageous kids playing people standing on steps talking then all of a sudden your scared to even open your blinds incase your pic is taken is wrong.
Even the local MP got in on the act “we’ve never seen this man here before, why now” said one local exactly why now is the right question and it seems he didn’t even know what locals had near by for kids when asked he mumbled “m m mmm well there is the….. Mm…  Oh netball court”
But most of all ch4 were at it again showing us people on Benefits taking drugs, standing on steps smoking fags, drinking, complaining about benefits then all of a sudden after half an hour we hear why one woman is actually on benefits she’s a carer to her 15yr old son why not start with that instead they show us her standing on her step gossiping making it seem that is her day to day life which clearly isn’t which brings me back to why people actually want to appear on programming like this are they being mislead from day one being told lies, is it entertaining to see people struggling some so vulnerable we mock them all over social media it’s just wrong I said this when benefits Street was first on why not show people on benefits who are looking to find work who really struggle who claim as little as possible so they don’t get stuck in a benefit life these people are out there show families work but still have to rely on food banks show the people of the United Kingdom that.

big benefits row which was aired after the 1st series

Benefits Street is this entertainment?

Bear Grylls + Ch4 Under attack By Animal Rights

protesters are saying that channel 4 show The Island is “killing animals” for entertainment purposes only,


Animal welfare groups claim Channel 4 is ‘killing animals to boost ratings’ after contestants on The Island slashed pig’s throat on screen.


In the letter to Channel 4 chief executive David Abraham, signed by Peta, Animal Aid, OneKind, and Viva!, the groups said they were “outraged to see that contestants were filmed slashing the throat of a terrified pig.
“Had this taken place in the UK, the contestants could face charges and, potentially, time in prison. The producers revealed that the pigs had been shipped to the uninhabited Pearl Islands for the show, expressly so that they could be killed and eaten by contestants.

“Torturing and killing animals is a cruel way to attempt to boost ratings and sends an especially harmful message to your young viewers, who are greatly influenced by what they see on TV. It is this kind of outright disregard for animals that keeps caseworkers inundated with cruelty-to-animals reports year-round.

“We strongly urge you, as chief executive of Channel 4, to ensure that this kind of violence is never aired again by implementing a proper animal-welfare policy. We stand ready to meet with you about this important issue.”

Now if you watch the programme then it is clear that this isn’t the case killing of animals is nature it’s natural, yes this is my own opinion there was no complaints about killing fish or any other animals on the island until a crocodile was killed by the male island and while the most complaints about this was because it was a rare protected species which the men killed which they had mistaken for another unrare croc,

Channel 4 said it was a “genuine and regrettable error” with a type of crocodile “not known to be in the area or on the island”.

Then the pig was killed by the woman’s island and now complaints are flowing in.

Channel 4 defended the scenes, saying an important part of the show was finding out if the contestants were capable of “hunting and killing for meat” and they had all been trained in killing animals humanely.

“An important part of the experiment was to find out if the men and women were capable of surviving alone and able to find sources of food, including hunting and killing for meat; a vital part of their survival as it is a source of valuable calories and protein,” said the broadcaster.

“All islanders were trained in the humane capture and dispatch of live animals and the animals were killed humanely.”

People all over the world who live on islands kill animals for food this programme is showing us what it would be like if we were stranded on such an island it also is a great insight into just how far we as people will and can go to when put into a situation like that it’s basic survival we need food we need water to survive this programme has shown us that it is hard work just to get water in an environment like that we have seen both men and woman struggling to even drink water at times and I’m afraid killing of animals is part of this survival show all the contestants were given training on how to kill animals in a way as to try not stress the animals, now even training from Bear Grylls himself isn’t the same as actually doing the deed yes we heard the pig screech when the woman jumped it and slashed it’s throat BUT to say this will influence younger viewers is such a weak argument for 1 this programme isn’t on till 11pm also if you as a parent don’t want your kid to watch then don’t let them,

“There is simply no excuse for this kind of callous disregard for life. TV producers and broadcasters can entertain audiences without resorting to cruelty to animals.”

So is it just a case of animal rights looking to complain just for the sake of complaining here I think it’s an overreaction and to use the “This will influence younger viewers” card is outrageous kids and younger viewers see much worse on TV and online than a bunch of people hunting to survive personally most younger people would be uninterested in this programme it’s not like we see pigs and crocs being killed all the time we’ve seen 1 croc and 1 pig being killed that’s it, oh and plenty fish and other animals snakes for one no complaints about them, young people see more action in a film these days youngsters are brighter and more likely to ask questions than go out looking to jump on animals and slash there throats it’s an insult to young people to say everything they see influences them that’s wrong yes stand up for what you believe in but don’t say things that are stupid it demonstrates a desperate attempt to be heard.

To end this I’ll just say this we’re human and put in certain situations we have to kill animals in the way we seen on this programme it’s only natural it’s nature it’s in us ALL even animal rights activist put them on an island with the choice to hunt or die and see what happens this programme is interesting in human nature and how we might react in a similar situation.

Quotes were taken from the Guardian everything else here is my opinion only.
Read the Guardian article HERE